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Life is a journey that starts with our existence but ends either on our way to our destiny or after reaching there. The image above depicts a very short picture on how life is. It shows what each of us in our life are going to go through. It has some hidden things that only some can observe while some of us have already observed.

The road is the way, by walking on which, we will reach to our destiny. It is tough, tiring, long and challenging. It will create obstacles for us to move ahead. It may stop us from moving ahead. Its toughness may force us to quit. It’s journey can make us tired. But we should focus on where we have to reach, that is of course, our destination. It is our destination that will reward us for our whole journey that we are going to pass. It will fetch us what we ever wanted. People who completed this journey became a history and those who quit have lost in history. There will be trees which will give you shadow in your path and help you, but all trees aren’t capable enough to protect you from heat and light of the sun. In the same way in your lifelong journey you will meet people who will help you,  who will be there for you to give the shed and protect you from the problems but at the same time you may meet also those who just pretend to help and are the traitors in the face of well-wishers. We may feel they are there to help us but their true colors will be visible only during the storm. A tree less dense destroys us as well as itself during the storm and can never protect us from sun. we will also deal with people like sun who help us by giving us the light but at the same time they also give  us the pain just like heat of the sun. Actually these people are the true well-wishers of us. They are parents,teachers, family and friends. Sun is exactly like a teacher who teaches us to survive the pain and keep moving on and also helps us by giving the knowledge that actually show us the way towards our final destination.

The above image shows a very ordinary scenario. We may face different seasons, weather will be unfavorable , but somehow time changes the things and brings us again to this ordinary  situation. Of all what we have to do actually is to just keep going. Walk , run, fall but don’t stop. Don’t quit. We have the power to complete it. We are on this journey because we are capable. We have got the life to do something. We can be greater than the greatest.

25 thoughts on “LIFE – A ROAD

  1. Wow so nicely written this. I really like this & loved it very much. God bless you & gives you enough strength to make such an awesome memos. Really loved it a lot😍😘

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